HIGHLIGHT is a 12” x 9” postcard mailed to 5000 Cadillac addresses. Join local businesses to get: cost sharing, wider visibility, glossy color, and exclusivity. We only take one ad from your industry per postcard. So act fast. There are limited spots. We handle it all including your FREE AD DESIGN.
Sample HIGHLIGHT two-sided postcard.
12” x 9” glossy four-color on 14pt. stock.
We’re a local business like you.
We’ve started HIGHLIGHT to bring area businesses together to make advertising more affordable, powerful and targeted. Ask us about pricing.
No Competitors
Your business is the only one allowed in your category. We love all local businesses, but sorry only one per HIGHLIGHT mailing. A great reason for you to grab your exclusive spot today!
We Handle It
From FREE ad design, with QR code, to postage details, to glossy printing, then mailing. You can trust us to deliver a 9” x !2” premium postcard on 14pt card stock for one price.
Affordable Pricing
There is real power in joining forces. If you tried to reach this many doors alone, it would cost much more. You’ll stlll get the reach, but pay a fraction per person with your targeted ad.
Create an offer for your AD!
Offers like these can increase engagement and response rates. 20% off your first visit! Buy One Get One. Free desert with meal purchase! FREE gift with test drive.10% off $50 purchase. Free full service upgrade!